
The moon 

pulls against the ocean 

and so does my tidal force 

press against you 

my mutable friend 

with more strength than I intend 

because I’m used to pushing 

against the Capricorn rocks

which require all the power

I can bring to bear

to shift their placement 

even a millimeter.

I’m not trying to wreck any ships 

or to bring storms and blacken the sky 

until you can’t read the charts 

to navigate 

your empathic route 

through the ardent waves

I don’t mean for my light to fill

the emergency rooms 

or to keep you from sleeping.

You can be the twin of me

my soul-brother

moving the waves that crash 

over my deep places

below where the light reaches

because I bring my own luster 

a bioluminous cloak wrapping me 

as I plunge down into the dark

just tend the line for me

so I know where to find the surface. 

Photo courtesy of Andrew F. March, Instagram @tihtokolok


Lady of the Mercians

