We all learn
we are all folded like origami
by the hands of society
we all are pressed like citrine
or amethyst in the earth
by the cultural pressures
that surround us
like a great sea.
I can’t always tell
what is part of me
and what the patriarchy
has written
into the code that runs
this update to my software
it’s been insidious
from the beginning.
I know that inside me
there is a piece of the program
that teaches me to flee
through the trees
that teaches me to yield
when the wolves are
close about me
I recognize the flutter
in my throat
when adrenaline
wafts through my veins
and my heart
runs with my feet.
Nature can be cruel
but it isn’t bad
this may be bad
it may be a slow
poisoning of my survival
but it’s been cleverly done
so I can’t untwist it
from the essence
of who I am
it has grown into me
like scar tissue across a wound.
Always loving wolves
is like loving fast cars
you are looking for the rush
and hoping that
you’ll be one of the few
that isn’t called on
to pay the price
for your