
On the street the word is

that you are supposed to atone 

that you can’t go back to Paradise 

until you’ve made amends

again with the acts of mischief

again with the trouble-making 

again with the disguises 

covering the truth of you. 

The djinn and shayatin are still

trash talking 

they say you have a pretty face

they say a little moral ambivalence 

is no reason to take yourself 

so seriously 

and maybe you fought against 

the demon army 

but who really knows if all the stories

you like to tell

are the real deal. 

I’ve heard 

that the daeva have it out for you

they want to lock you 

in a cage of iron 

if you won’t join their rebellion 

and stop it with the relationships

with humans which are doomed to failure

because the humans don’t trust you

because you keep abducting them

for your social events

or because you keep 

getting your wings back 

and flying away.

Pari detail from Pari holding a unique animal. 19th cent. Rajput style Bhopal museum (cropped)


Space Telescope

