
into the future we glide softly

over the snowpack, over the dense white endlessness

our momentum takes us

even when we have done no choosing,

even when we seem to be circling the stands of dark firs

even when the night is sinking around us with soft folds

like a heavy blanket of darkness

we are moving forward

and that cannot be undone

though you feel that you are standing still

carrying the weight of a thousand choices

decisions and paths you will not take

settle about you like snowflakes

hardening into the immutable past

and still you are sliding over the icy crust

into tomorrow

spring is going to rush in

suddenly beneath you every hard truth

will be melting into formlessness

rippling with urgency, stirring with desire

and into the future we will glide softly

through the cascading snowmelt,

through the bursting of the green leaves

our momentum takes us

around you,

a thousand choices will be flowering with new buds

decisions and paths you will not take

will tremble softly in the air like violets, buttercups, narcissi

before fading back into the rich earth

and still you will walk over the lush grass

into tomorrow

Photo courtesy of David McCaskill




Night Watch