
Some days

are worse than others

some days

I can barely stand upright

because I am so 

storm tossed

and every follicle

in my flesh

is on fire

with an electric charge

some days 

the humming in my head 

is louder than the compressor 

louder than the thunder 

in the sky 

now I know

why you didn’t want 

any distractions

all those months past

now that my attention

is being siphoned

away from me 

smashed like a mirror

into a thousand fragments

ground under my boot heel

into glistening dust

that leaves trails of magic

all over the floor 

of pitted concrete 

and through the green glades

where the bones of giants

rest in their eternity 

there where I dream

of more impossible places

that we might

travel together.


La Tempête

