
Be the wellspring, my muse

feeding the mouth of the river of words

one touch is enough to unlock 

my desire to make

a record that will outlast us all

written in the only stone

that I understand how to carve

in the durability of the infinite 

I will write a song to the gods.

It is my wish to be lifted in your arms

to be held up to the stars

on a bed of poetry and atoms

that we may not be restrained any longer 

as two solitudes, but instead be released 

and conjoined into an ocean of being

no longer imprisoned by time

or the duty of space or obligations

but limitless in love.

I am sure that tomorrow 

is a place of freedom

because I have been making a 

bandolier of keys

that I will carry with me

in order to return 

unspeakable liberty to everyone 

that I meet

and so this debt that I owe to you

can be paid forward.



