Wake Up
I am the girl
for whom
an idea is a
bouncing in the chair
on Christmas morning
excitement-level gift
so getting a
handful of them
delivered is an
uncommon delight.
I know
not everyone
thinks it is a
good idea
to wind me up
as they fear I may go
out of control
and careen wildly
under the couch
or off the table top.
But you
my muse
have it right
in believing that
with a little encouragement
I will find
another poem
another spark of fire
another springboard
to the infinite.
And so I send you
my double thanks
with inspiration
filling both fists
until my hands
are overflowing with
verses and
I can’t write fast enough
to keep up
which is the best
way to wake up
in the morning
that I can think of.