

the universe has built a woman

out of the rupture of stars

from the dark womb of the cosmos

she is come

and she is strong.

under the onrushing black tide

her smooth skin lies like a white beach

in the midst of the storm howling

her frozen lashes sparkle

and her eyes look into forever without reaction.

when the lightning bursts the deadwood

of her spirit

she is gone beyond flinching

and her blood spins

down from the headwater of the heart

spraying gouts of incendiary love out

like lava

following the withered path

that her white hands already traced.

her tears will build up like salt

in the desert of your desire

and she will listen to the wolves howl in the black pit

until the stars crumble

and the eagles have nothing left to feed upon.

the universe has built a woman

out of the rupture of stars

from the dark womb of the cosmos

she is come

and she is strong.



