
The unicorn is my companion

he has come to me

from outside the world

with magical gifts

removing pain

healing the wounds of the past

transforming the poisoned channels

of industry

into clean water.

The gifts that he brings

teach me to feel again

where my fingertips were abraded

now they are smooth

and I can taste anew

the fruits of the earth

and gingerbread and mojitos

and autumn apples.

In the garden

the roses are blooming 

for the second time 

this summer

they mingle with the scents

of the lily of the valley

the peonies

and the rose of sharon. 

Under the limelight hydrangea

I will sit on the stone

wall and play 

a gypsy song on the violin

that you may come and listen

and be made 

whole again.

Bring a mirror with you

to capture visions 

of the undying

the unicorn will teach us to 

take off our 

five hundred dollar glasses

and see into the other worlds


By Unknown author - http://www.tchevalier.com/unicorn/tapestries/desir.html#

Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2723771



