The Music

The unearthly ones sing

and when they sing

traffic stops

technology limps to a halt

birds lose direction and 

start falling from the sky

and the bowl of the wine glass


but people on the sidewalks

continue their hypnotized tread

their attention like honey 

on the teaspoon 

unwinding with terrible slowness.

The unearthly ones sing

and in the first moment I see

your gaze slides off of me and away

until you no longer remember 

that I am standing before you

the pen in your hand

drops from fingers suddenly 

directionless and rolls

under the cafe table

all around me iPads are tumbling 

and lattes bounce and spill

over the ground.

The unearthly ones sing

it is the music that 

I stayed up late writing 

sweeter than I had imagined it

when I hummed and scribbled 

on the lined sheets

it is filled with love and despair 

and everyone listening to it 

finds their will shattered.

The unearthly ones sing.



