
When I’m going into battle

he said, 

“I speak to the spirits 

the ancient warriors

and call for their protection.”

and we agreed that 

accepting death within us

was the first step

and then we could fall forward

into the void 

into the future that waits.

Even if you try 

to live a sheltered life

settled before the television 

the thread of eternity is shortening 

and you cannot be safe

no more can you 

cut off your hands 

in order to only touch 

what is close to you

or gouge out your eyes

to prevent them from 


Your heart will continue 

to yearn for the cascades

to try and break you free 

of the patterns you have

grooved into the earth 

all around your house

to tear you 

from the established routes 

that you travel between

home and work and 

tedious diversion. 

That is why you have 

a spirit within 

to keep you a little bit wild

so that the anchor of living

is not able to drown you

too quickly. 



