novacula Occami

For each explanation

there are an infinite

number of alternatives

and many are complex

so let’s assume the 

least number of 

hypotheses and 

wrap ourselves with

spareness and simplicity.

I am in love with the idea

of an abductive heuristic

to keep Nature on 

the shortest path 

to decrease the probability of error 

by assuming as little as possible

and testing as much as we may 

if our guesses are correct. 

At home tonight

I’m developing a reaction mechanism

to see if poetry may cause elements 

to react across the void

this arrow pushing method

may not be grounded in science 

but my parsimony 

rests in the belief 

that Occam’s razor supports 

the duality 

of the mind and body. 

Part of a page from John Duns Scotus's book Commentaria oxoniensia ad IV libros magistri Sententiarus, showing the words: "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate", i.e., "Plurality is not to be posited without necessity"



