
If we 


the same story

how I would 

set the night with you in it

on fire, how I would

teach you to love

the sweet fruits of the summer

strawberries staining our mouths rose-red 

and the gush of peaches

when we tear into them

with our teeth. 

But it is madness

to imagine any season now

but autumn falling 

and winter edging close behind 

we can shatter ourselves

if we try to stop the months

from turning

if we try to peel the years 

back and break them

into segments 

like oranges studded with cloves

for a Christmas feast

we will only rip apart the flesh.

I love impossible odds

because I love 

stealing victory 

from the lap of the gods

but I cannot move you

from your place or change

the trajectory of the arrow

already departed from 

Cupid’s avaricious bow 

the world is greater than my 

small imagination and you

have a right to your own

companions and 

to your own ending.



