My name is Celaeno
the dark one
and with my sisters
the storm winds
I drive the ships of men
onto the rocks
until they founder.
That’s why they call us
the bitches of Zeus
ministers of the Thunderer
snatchers or swift robbers
and fear that we’ll seize them
with our clawed hands
and carry them off
pressed against our wings
and our nakedness
with our lovely hair
twining all about them
like a thicket of snakes.
But we only work
for the big man of Olympus
helping to guard
the underworld and
carrying oath-breakers
down to the Furies, the avengers
with their scourges of brass
we’re his jolie laide girls
his enforcers
the wings of the storm.
The Harpy Celaeno, Mary Pownall (1862-1937)